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Can Birds Eat Celery?

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If you’re a bird enthusiast looking to provide a varied and healthy diet for your backyard birds or even your pet bird, you might wonder about the suitability of different vegetables, including celery. Celery, known for its crunchy texture and nutritional benefits in humans, is also safe for birds to eat. However, there are specific ways to prepare and offer it to make it both enjoyable and beneficial for birds.

Is Celery Good for Birds?

Celery is low in calories but high in water content, making it a hydrating snack which is especially important during freezing weather when water may be difficult to come by and also during hot summers.

On the flip side, all that water doesn’t have many nutrients–so you don’t want birds to fill up on celery. While it contains vitamins such as Vitamin K, Vitamin C, and folate, along with minerals like potassium, it doesn’t have the nutrients to provide much energy–so it’s best as just a treat, not a food.

But Will They Eat It?

Some wild backyard birds might peck at celery if it’s offered, especially if they are species that are known to eat a variety of foods, including vegetables. Birds like sparrows, finches, and chickadees may show interest in celery, especially when it’s chopped into small, manageable pieces.

Squirrels, being opportunistic feeders, have a diet that consists of a variety of foods including nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. They might eat celery if it’s available, but it’s not typically a preferred food for them.

Squirrels tend to favor foods that are higher in energy content, like nuts and seeds. However, they might nibble on celery, especially if other food sources are scarce. As with birds, if you offer celery to squirrels, it should be in small, bite-sized pieces to make it easier for them to eat.

How to Prepare Celery for Birds

  • Wash Thoroughly: Always ensure the celery is washed thoroughly to remove any pesticides or chemicals.
  • Chop into Small Pieces: Cut the celery into small, manageable pieces or thin strips to prevent choking hazards and make it easier for birds to eat.
  • Remove Strings: The stringy parts of celery can be difficult for birds to digest, so it’s a good idea to remove them before offering the celery.

Precautions When Feeding Celery to Birds

  • Moderation is Key: Too much celery can fill a bird up without providing all the necessary nutrients they need, due to its high water and low-calorie content.
  • Freshness Matters: Offer only fresh celery. Avoid wilted or spoiled pieces to prevent health issues.

It’s fun to incorporate different foods at your bird feeder. While celery might not be that popular, if you’ve got some leftover celery, give it a shot and see who likes it!

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