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What is a Group of Magpies Called?

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Have you ever found yourself marveling at a group of magpies fluttering about in your backyard or whizzing past on a quiet morning and wondered what this collective unit is called? Your curiosity will unquestionably surge as soon as you discover that a group of these intriguing birds are referred to by none other than the term ‘Tiding.’ Yes! You’ve read correctly – Tiding!

photo of three magpies on a wire with a cartoon magpie at center of image and words "what is a group of magpies called" at top of image

A Tiding of Magpies

The most common collective noun for magpies is tiding (or sometimes tidings). This unusual phrase originates from their characteristic behavior which seems like they’re sharing tidings or news with each other. While some may find it whimsical, others see it as an expression of nature’s fascinating language.

Much like chatter amongst friends sharing tales from their lives, these birds engage in social exchanges which feels almost poetic; hence a ‘Tiding’ is not just another collective noun but becomes symbolic of communication and community among magpies.

You’ll also run across the term in literature. Paula Hawkins references a nursery rhyme that dates back centuries:

“A tiding of magpies. One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told.”

The Girl on the Train

The term “tiding” in this context is deeply rooted in folklore and mythology. Historically, magpies have been associated with omens and prophecies.

In many cultures, the appearance of magpies is considered to herald news, good or bad. This belief is encapsulated in the old superstition counting rhyme.

More Names for a Group of Magpies

A Gulp of Magpies: This less common term might evoke the bird’s vocal nature or perhaps their tendency to eat almost anything, including carrion.

A Murder of Magpies: Similar to crows, magpies are sometimes collectively called a ‘murder,’ likely stemming from their association with darker superstitions and myths.

A Charm of Magpies: This term, also used for finches, highlights the more enchanting, whimsical side of these birds, possibly reflecting their playful nature and the mesmerizing quality of their plumage.

A Parliament of Magpies: Echoing a term also used for owls, this reflects the magpie’s reputation for intelligence and social complexity.

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