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What Do You Call a Group of Cardinals?

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Cardinals, with their striking red plumage and enchanting songs, are a favorite among birdwatchers and nature lovers. These birds, often seen as symbols of beauty and vigor, are a captivating sight, especially when they gather. But what do we call a group of cardinals?

photo of Cardinal in the snow with a cartoon cardinal wearing a green sweater in center of image and words "what do you call a group of cardinals" at top of image

The Most Common Collective Noun for Cardinals

When it comes to cardinals, the most widely used term for a group is a radiance of cardinals. This term splendidly captures the vivid and bright appearance of these birds, particularly the male’s vibrant red feathers that seem to radiate warmth and energy.

The term “radiance” is fitting for a number of reasons:

  • Vibrant Plumage: The cardinal’s most striking feature is its bright red plumage, which truly radiates in the sunlight, making “a radiance” a visually evocative term.
  • Symbolism: Cardinals are often associated with vitality, spirit, and the beauty of the natural world. A group of these birds, with their radiant coloration, embodies these qualities.

College of Cardinals

Not as widely used, a “college” provides an ironic twist given that the term is commonly used within the human education system; it seems like mother nature herself pays homage to our language renditions.

Conclave of Cardinals

A “conclave”, on the other hand, takes us back to ecclesiastical origins where high-ranking Catholic officials colloquially known as Cardinals gather for important deliberations.

It’s a fitting name since the name of the bird stems from the vibrant red caps that both entities share: just like the esteemed Catholic Cardinals wearing their symbolic scarlet birettas, so too does our feathered friend strut in its bold crimson plumage. Therefore, these striking indigenous North American birds were bequeathed upon discovery with a moniker reminding early Europeans of their senior ecclesiastical leaders’ regalia back home.

Cardinals are not only a treat for the eyes but also play a vital role in the ecosystems they inhabit. They’re known for their melodic songs and are often seen in backyards, gardens, and woodlands. Whether you call them a radiance, a college, or a conclave, observing a group of cardinals is a truly delightful experience for any nature enthusiast.

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