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Can Birds Eat Canned Corn?

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Do you have some canned corn you’re considering feeding at the bird feeder? It’s a common question: Can birds eat canned corn? The answer is yes, but not straight out of the can. Let’s have a look at how you can easily make the canned corn safer for birds and which backyard birds you just might draw with this treat!

closeup of canned corn with cartoon of blue bird in center of image with words "Can Birds Eat Canned Corn" at top of image

How to Serve Canned Corn at the Bird Feeder

Corn is a source of calories and nutrients for birds.

To serve, drain and rinse canned corn well before feeding to birds to remove excess salt, which is not healthy for birds.

Related post: Can Birds Eat Popcorn?

Which Birds Might Eat Canned Corn?

Canned corn is soft and easy for birds to eat. Its texture and size make it a suitable snack for many bird species.

Here are some common backyard birds that are likely to eat canned corn:

  • Blue Jays – Blue jays have strong beaks and enjoy feeding on corn kernels. Canned corn is a good supplement for them.
  • Cardinals – The official state bird of several states, cardinals readily eat corn from feeders and scattered on the ground.
  • Doves – Mourning doves and other dove species readily consume canned corn pieces as a good food source.
  • Grackles – Often seen in flocks, grackles will eat corn kernels scattered about or from feeders.
  • Blackbirds – Red-winged blackbirds and other blackbird species appreciate canned corn as a part of their diet.
  • Sparrows – White-throated, song, and other sparrow species easily spot and eat individual corn kernels.
  • Pigeons – Though not always welcome at the feeder, pigeons can consume whole corn kernels with ease.
  • Ducks and Geese – Larger wild birds such as ducks and geese (and wild turkeys) also enjoy corn.

Canned corn can be a delightful addition to a bird’s diet when prepared and served correctly. It’s a simple yet enjoyable treat that can attract a variety of birds to your yard. Just remember to rinse it well, serve it in moderation, and enjoy the sight of happy birds!


Can Birds Eat Canned Baby Corn?

Yes, many birds can and will eat canned baby corn. Baby corn is simply immature corn harvested early. Nutritionally it is similar to regular corn kernels.

Drain and rinse canned baby corn well under running water before feeding to birds to remove excess sodium and preservatives.

Being smaller in size, individual baby corn pieces are well-suited for smaller songbirds like chickadees, finches, and sparrows to easily eat.

Larger birds like jays, doves, and grackles can easily consume whole baby corn pieces as well.

Can Birds Eat Creamed Corn?

No, it’s generally not recommended to feed creamed corn to birds. Creamed corn contains a significant amount of added fat and sugar from the cream/milk. Birds’ systems are not well-equipped to digest high fat or sugar foods.

The creamy consistency of creamed corn makes it difficult for birds to eat. They prefer foods they can easily pick up and swallow whole. Creamed corn could also cake feathers.

Can Birds Eat Frozen Corn?

Yes, many birds can and will eat frozen corn, provided it is thawed before being offered.

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