We’re not lucky enough to have pecan trees in our yard but John loves to purchase bags of pecans on our trips in the area. Rich in fats, proteins, and vitamins, pecans can offer a high-energy food source, especially valuable during colder months. Not all birds can or want to eat pecans, however, so let’s look at the birds you might attract with some tasty nuts, the best way to serve them–and some forms of pecans you should NEVER serve at the bird feeder!

Which Birds Eat Pecans?
Several bird species enjoy eating pecans. These birds typically have strong beaks capable of cracking the hard outer shells of the nuts or are adept at picking up the pieces that have been opened or broken by other means.
Here in central Texas, pecans are a favorite crop and, while squirrels are definitely known for scouring the parks in search of tasty nuts, most birds primarily pick at already cracked and broken pecans thanks to their hard shell. When we shell pecans, we toss out the shells which invariably include some small bits of pecans that we missed; birds will be happy to seek out those tasty bits!
Here are some of the birds that are most likely to eat pecans in the U.S.:
- Blue Jays: Known for their intelligence and vibrant blue feathers, Blue Jays are adept at handling large nuts, including pecans. They often store nuts for later consumption.
- Crows and Ravens: These highly intelligent birds use tools and strategies to crack open hard-shelled nuts like pecans.
- Woodpeckers: Several woodpecker species, including the Red-bellied Woodpecker and the Downy Woodpecker, enjoy pecans. They can use their beaks to drill into the shells.
- Titmice: Smaller than jays but just as resourceful, titmice can enjoy the pieces left by larger birds.
- Wild Turkeys: These ground-feeders enjoy eating pecans that have fallen to the ground and been cracked open by other animals or vehicles.
- Pheasants: Similar to wild turkeys, pheasants can eat pecans that have been cracked open and are found on the ground.
- Magpies: Part of the corvid family, like crows and ravens, magpies have the intelligence and beak strength to access the meat inside pecans.
Of course, you’ll also be attracting squirrels with pecans!
Types of Pecans to Avoid
While pecans can be a healthy addition to a bird’s diet, certain types should never be fed to birds:
- Salted or flavored pecans: The added salt and flavors can be harmful to birds, leading to dehydration or other health issues.
- Pecans with chocolate or sugar coatings: Chocolate is toxic to birds and should be strictly avoided. Save these for yourself!
- Moldy pecans: Fungi on spoiled nuts can produce toxins that are dangerous to bird health; these should go directly to the (covered) trash to avoid the risk of birds or other wildlife reaching them.
Best Ways to Offer Pecans to Birds
To ensure birds get the most out of pecans, follow these tips:
Crack them open: While some birds can crack pecans on their own, offering them cracked can make it easier for a much wider variety of birds to enjoy.
Chop into smaller pieces: This makes pecans accessible to smaller birds and reduces the risk of choking.
Use a feeder: Placing pecans in a feeder can help contain the mess and attract birds to your yard. Platform feeders or feeders with larger holes are ideal for accommodating whole or broken pecans.
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