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Can Birds Eat Pistachios?

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Do you have some leftover pistachios you’d like to share at your bird feeder? Some wild birds enjoy a variety of nuts, including pistachios. Before you step out to the bird feeder, though, let’s look at the type of birds you might attract with pistachios–and some forms of pistachios you need to avoid feeding!

photo of whole pistachios with graphic of green bird in middle of image with words can birds eat pistachios at top of image

Birds That Enjoy Pistachios

Wild birds that are likely to eat pistachios include a variety of species, particularly those that naturally consume nuts and seeds as part of their diets including:

Jays (including Blue Jays, Scrub Jays, Steller’s Jays): Jays are known for their love of nuts, including acorns, peanuts, and pistachios. They have strong beaks that can easily crack open nut shells.

Crows and Ravens: These intelligent birds are opportunistic feeders and can eat a wide range of foods, nuts included. They would likely not pass up on pistachios if found.

Woodpeckers (including Downy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker): Woodpeckers enjoy a varied diet that can include nuts. They might be attracted to pistachios as a source of fat and protein.

Titmice: Small but mighty, these birds are adept at handling nuts and seeds. They can be seen taking larger nuts and seeds, breaking them into smaller, manageable pieces.

Nuthatches: Nuthatches have a diet that includes a variety of seeds and nuts. They are known for their ability to wedge nuts into tree bark and peck them open.

Chickadees: Chickadees enjoy a variety of seeds and nuts. They’re small but can handle shelled nuts by breaking them into smaller bits.

You’ll also find–for better or for worse, depending on how you feel about them, that squirrels love pistachios, too. I put some in our dedicated squirrel feeder to keep them happy and allow the birds to get a nutty snack at the bird feeder at the same time.

Best Ways to Serve Pistachios to Birds

  • Unsalted and Shelled: Always choose unsalted, unseasoned pistachios. Salt and other seasonings can be harmful to birds. Shelled pistachios are easier for smaller birds to eat but offering both shelled and unshelled can cater to different species.
  • In Moderation: Nuts should only be a small part of a bird’s diet due to their high fat content. Offering pistachios in moderation ensures that birds don’t overindulge.
  • As Part of a Varied Diet: Combine pistachios with other seeds, nuts, and fruits to provide a balanced diet for visiting birds.

Pistachios Types to Avoid

Any pistachios that are salted or have added flavors should be avoided. These additives can be harmful to birds, leading to potential health issues such as dehydration or kidney damage.

Additionally, moldy shells can be toxic. If the pistachios have gone bad, put them in the trash. (Don’t throw them on your compost pile or birds will just dine there!)

Pistachios, when served correctly, can be a healthy and enjoyable treat for many bird species. By choosing unsalted, unshelled pistachios and serving them in moderation as part of a varied diet, you can safely incorporate these nuts into your feathered friends’ meals!

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