When considering various food options for birds, either in your backyard feeder or for pet birds, you might ponder the suitability of everyday vegetables like potatoes. Potatoes are a staple in human diets, but are they safe and nutritious for birds? The answer is yes, with some important precautions.

Nutritional Value of Potatoes for Birds
Potatoes are a source of carbohydrates and can provide some vitamins (especially Vitamin C) and minerals when included in a bird’s diet.
However, they should be offered as a part of a varied diet, given their relatively low protein and essential amino acid content.
How to Prepare Potatoes for Birds
- Cook Thoroughly: Raw potatoes contain solanine, a toxin that can be harmful to birds. Always serve potatoes cooked, without any added salt, butter, or seasonings.
- Cool Before Serving: Make sure the potatoes are cool before offering them to birds. Hot foods can cause harm.
- Remove Skins: It’s a good idea to remove the skins, as they can contain higher concentrations of solanine.
Serving Potatoes to Birds
- Mash or Chop: Serve the cooked potatoes either mashed or chopped into small, bite-sized pieces. This makes it easier for birds to eat.
- Offer in Moderation: Potatoes should not be a staple in a bird’s diet but can be offered occasionally as a treat.
- Mix with Other Foods: To provide a balanced diet, mix potatoes with other bird-friendly foods like seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
Precautions When Feeding Potatoes to Birds
- Avoid Green or Sprouted Potatoes! These contain higher levels of solanine, which can be toxic.
- No Processed Potatoes: Avoid feeding birds processed potato products like chips or fries, as these contain unhealthy fats and salt.
- Freshness is Key: Ensure the potatoes are fresh and not spoiled to avoid health issues.
Attracting a Variety of Birds — and More
While not all birds will be attracted to potatoes, some species that are accustomed to scavenging might give them a try. Generalist feeders or birds that are less picky about their diet, such as crows and ravens, may be attracted to potatoes. These birds often feed on a wide range of foods, including human leftovers.
However, you might attract more than just birds at your feeder with cooked potatoes including scavengers, depending on your location and the wildlife prevalent in the area. We don’t put out potatoes because we know it would draw coyotes close to the feeder.
When I’m putting out fruits and vegetables that I want to try with our birds, I put them out in the morning then, before it gets dark, I discard any that are remaining. I learned my lesson when we found this on our birdcam last year!

Depending on the climate and season, leftover food like potatoes could also attract insects, which in turn could draw insect-eating birds or further scavengers.
Can Wild Birds Eat French Fries?
French fries that have been deep fried in vegetable oil are not good for birds—but you can serve the occasional air fried or baked French fry as an occasional treat.
Don’t serve French fries that have been salted, however. (And we all know that fast food fries are heavily salted, so don’t take those out to the bird feeder.)
Can Birds Eat Potato Chips?
Potato chips are generally not good for birds. The high fat and salt content can be dangerous, and the chips themselves can be a choking hazard unless broken into tiny pieces.
If you do decide to offer potato chips to your birds, make sure they are low fat, low sodium chips.
And supervise the chips closely; remove any uneaten chips before they have a chance to spoil or attract mice.
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