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Can Squirrels Eat Bread?

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Squirrels are often seen munching on a variety of foods. If you have leftover bread, you might be tempted to share it with these furry creatures. But can squirrels eat bread, and should they? In this post, we’ll explore the implications of feeding bread to squirrels.

background image of breads with cartoon squirrel in center of graphic with words "can squirrels eat bread" at top of image

The Suitability of Bread for Squirrels

While squirrels will likely eat bread if it’s available, it’s not the most nutritious option for them. Bread, especially in large quantities, can lead to health issues for squirrels:

  • Nutritional Value: Bread, particularly white bread, lacks the essential nutrients that squirrels need to maintain their health. It’s low in protein and can be high in sugars and preservatives.
  • Health Concerns: Overconsumption of bread can lead to obesity and other health problems in squirrels, similar to those in humans.

Types of Bread for Squirrels

If you do choose to feed bread to squirrels, consider the following types:

  • Whole Grain or Whole Wheat Bread: These are slightly better options than white bread, as they contain more fiber and nutrients.
  • Avoid Moldy Bread: Never feed squirrels moldy bread, as mold can be toxic to wildlife!

Serving Bread to Squirrels

If you decide to give bread to squirrels, do so sparingly. It should only be a tiny part of their diet. Tear the bread into small bites; smaller pieces are easier for squirrels to eat and can reduce the risk of choking.

If you’re feeding bread, also provide other foods like nuts, seeds, and fruits to offer a more balanced diet.

And remember: bread will lure mice to your feeding area. (And mice will lure snakes!) If you feed bread or other foods that are tempting to mammals, remove all leftovers at the end of the day to make the area less tempting.

Remember, the best way to support local wildlife is to encourage natural foraging behaviors and provide a habitat that supports their dietary needs. Watching squirrels in your backyard can be delightful, but it’s important to do so responsibly for the well-being of these charming creatures.

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