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Do Birds Eat Barley?

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Barley is a nutritious grain that can be part of a balanced diet for backyard birds. Rich in carbohydrates, fiber, and some essential nutrients like selenium, B vitamins, and manganese, barley can offer energy and health benefits for birds. Not all birds will be interested in barley so let’s look at which birds you might attract with some barley and the proper way to offer it at a feeder.

closeup of barley grains with cartoon of green bird in center of image with words "do birds eat barley" at top of image

Birds That Might Eat Barley

Barley can attract various birds to your bird feeding area, especially ground feeders accustomed to grains:

  • Pigeons and Doves: These birds are known to eat a variety of grains, including barley.
  • Chickens: Domesticated chickens readily consume barley as part of their diet.
  • Sparrows and Finches: Small passerine birds that feed on seeds and grains might also eat barley.
  • Wild Ducks and Geese: Waterfowl can eat barley, especially when it’s available near water bodies.

After all, remember that birds eat barley in the fields! Farms often see birds that flock, such as blackbirds or starlings, descending on grain fields in large numbers, feeding on the barley. Species like sparrows, finches, and pigeons are also known to feed on grains and are attracted to barley fields.

How to Serve Barley at Your Bird Feeding Station

Always ensure the barley is fresh and free from mold, as spoiled grains can be harmful to birds.

  • Cooked or Raw: Barley can be offered both cooked and raw. Cooked barley is softer and easier for birds to eat, but raw barley is also acceptable, especially for larger birds.
  • Rinse Before Cooking: If you choose to cook the barley, make sure to rinse it thoroughly first.
  • Avoid Seasonings: Do not add any salt, sugar, or spices to the barley.

Barley can be a healthy and nutritious food for birds when served appropriately and as part of a balanced diet. By understanding the dietary needs and preferences of different bird species, bird enthusiasts can incorporate barley into their feeding routine safely and effectively.

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