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Do Birds Eat Dog Poop?

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Does your bird feeder share a yard with your dog? If so, you might have observed a bird appearing to eat dog poop. Well, it may come as a surprise to learn that some birds also partake in less conventional food choices–including dog poop.

photo of grass lawn with graphic of bird and dog poop

Why Would Birds Eat Dog Poop?

You might wonder why a bird would choose to consume something as unappealing as dog poop. The reason lies in the nutritional value feces can have, including undigested food particles.

These can provide a source of protein and other nutrients that birds look for, especially in urban environments where natural food sources can be scarce. Moreover, some birds scavenge by nature and have less discriminating tastes when it comes to their food sources.

It Might Just APPEAR The Bird Is Eating Poop

Before you start gagging, also consider that it may just appear that birds are eating dog poop in your back yard. Direct intentional consumption of feces is relatively rare and typically not a primary dietary habit for birds. Instead, birds might be attracted to the insects, larvae, or seeds present in or around feces.

The process of breaking down and decomposing waste attracts a variety of insects, making dog poop a potential hub for birds to find and consume these insects.

While some birds may ingest small amounts of dog poop directly, they are often more interested in the insects, such as flies, beetles, maggots, and other larvae, that are attracted to or breeding in the poop. These insects provide a protein-rich food source for birds.

Insects like maggots (fly larvae) and beetles are particularly nutritious, offering birds a high-protein snack. Therefore, when birds are seen pecking at dog poop, they are usually targeting the insects associated with it rather than the poop itself.

This behavior highlights the birds’ role in the ecosystem as natural pest controllers and cleaners, helping to manage insect populations and recycle nutrients back into the environment.

Which Birds Will Be Interested in Dog Poop?

These birds are likely to show interest in the insects around dog feces:

  • Crows and Ravens: Highly opportunistic and intelligent, crows and ravens might peck at feces to eat insects or larvae found within or attracted to it.
  • Gulls: Known for their scavenging behavior, gulls might investigate feces for edible items, including insects.
  • Starlings and Robins: These birds might sift through feces while foraging for insects and worms.

Canine Fecal Matter and Birds

When considering the relationship between birds and canine fecal matter, two critical aspects emerge: attraction factors and health risks.

Before you decide that the birds might be a great way to keep your yard clean from dog poop (if only!), stop to consider these problems:

Parasites and Diseases: Dog waste can harbor harmful parasites and diseases, such as Toxocariasis and Salmonella, which can be detrimental to bird health.

Chemical Contaminants: Medications and processed foods consumed by dogs may leave residues in their waste, potentially posing toxicity risks for birds that consume it.

Sorry, you are just going to have to get out and scoop that poop yourself!

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