Every year during the month of September, birders and backyard bird enthusiasts alike rejoice in the annual celebration known as International Hawk Migration Week.
This event is held to commemorate the southward migration of these magnificent creatures as they journey to warmer climates for the winter months. But where did this holiday come from? How is it observed? Let’s take a closer look.

When is International Hawk Migration Week?
International Hawk Migration Week is held every year in a week in mid- to late September. In 2022, the migration week is scheduled for Saturday, September 17 through Sunday September 25.
This bird awareness week was founded by the Hawk Migration Association of North America in 2014. Over 700,000 migrating raptors were counted in 2021 at 113 count sites in the US, Canada and Mexico during International Hawk Migration Week.
How Is International Hawk Migration Week Observed?
So how do people celebrate International Hawk Migration Week? Well, there are a few different ways.
One popular way is by attending hawk watches – special events held at locations along the migrating hawks’ flight paths where experts will help you identify the different species you might see.
To find a watch near you, visit HawkCount and search by location for hawk counts not only during International Hawk Migration Week but both fall and spring migration periods. HawkCount maintains the world’s largest database of raptor migration data.
Another way to celebrate is by simply heading outside and keeping an eye out for these birds in your own backyard or local park!
Share Your Hawk Sightings on Social Media
If you do spot a hawk, make sure to snap a photo and share it on social media using the hashtag #IHMW or #InternationalHawkMigrationWeek.
If you’re looking for a fun and unique way to spend some time outdoors this September, why not head out on a hawk watch or challenge yourself to see how many hawks you can locate from your own back yard? It’s a great way to learn more about these amazing birds which play a vital role in our ecosystem.
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