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What is a Group of Pigeons Called?

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Did you ever pause in the middle of a bustling city, noticing a crowd of grey feathered creatures cooing and pecking at crumbs on the pavement, and wonder what to call that assemblage? Birds are renowned for their fascinating collective nouns; everything from a murder of crows to an exaltation of larks. But when it comes to those ubiquitous urban dwellers, the pigeons, their group terminology might surprise you even more!

photo of a flock of pigeons with a cartoon pigeon in the middle of the image with the words "what is a group of pigeons called" at the top of the image

What Do You Call a Group of Pigeons?

A group of pigeons is commonly known as a flock. This term is widely used for many bird species when they gather in large numbers. However, there are two other more specific terms that you might find interesting:

Kit: When pigeons are seen flying together in a group, especially when performing aerial acrobatics, they are referred to as a ‘kit’.

Kit specifically refers to a group of pigeons perched close together, often on telephone lines or buildings. It conveys their clustering behavior.

This term is often used by pigeon fanciers, particularly those who breed and train pigeons for flying competitions.

Loft: A group of domesticated pigeons that live together is sometimes called a ‘loft’, named after the structure where these birds are often housed.

What is a group of pigeons called outside the US?

  • In the UK and other parts of England, a group is commonly called a “flight” or “flutter” of pigeons. “Kit” is used as well.
  • In Australia and New Zealand, “flight” is also popular. They may also say a “dow” (from the word “dove”) or “nest” of pigeons.
  • In Ireland, “flight” or “loft” of pigeons are common terms used.
  • In South Africa, a group is often referred to as a “loft” or “lofting” of pigeons.
  • In Canada, “flight” or “kit” are the standard collective nouns, similar to American usage.
  • In India and other former British colonies, “flight” tends to be preferred over “flock”.

Why Do Pigeons Flock Together?

Pigeons, like many birds, flock together for safety. Being in a group makes it harder for predators to target a single bird. Flocking also occurs around abundant food sources, where pigeons congregate to feed.

Pigeons are also social creatures and benefit from the company of their kind, both for breeding and for communal roosting.

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