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What is a Group of Sparrows Called?

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Imagine the morning sun peeking over the horizon, casting long shadows while you sip your coffee and gaze out of the window. Suddenly, a flurry of small, brown-feathered creatures swoops in, chattering away in their characteristic high-pitched voices. These delightful little birds are sparrows—common yet captivating characters in our daily landscapes. But did you know that there are several collective nouns specifically used for sparrows?

photo of English sparrows on branch with cartoon sparrow in center of image and words "what do you call a group of sparrows" at top of image

Collective Nouns for Sparrows

When it comes to sparrows, these small, social birds also have their own set of collective nouns. Here are the terms commonly used:

A Flock of Sparrows: The most standard and widely recognized term, “flock” is used for many bird species, including sparrows, especially when seen in large numbers.

A Host of Sparrows: This term, with a slightly more poetic feel, is also used to describe a group of sparrows, often emphasizing a large and welcoming gathering.

A Quarrel of Sparrows: Reflecting on their sometimes noisy and quarrelsome nature, this term is less common but quite descriptive.

A Knot of Sparrows: “Knot” refers to a small, tight cluster or grouping of sparrows sitting or perching close together. It implies a tightly packed congregation.

A Flutter of Sparrows: “Flutter” specifically describes sparrows in flight together, such as taking off or landing as a coordinated group. It captures the bustling, hurried motion of their wings when many sparrows move at once.

What Is a Group of Baby Sparrows Called?

When referring to baby sparrows, the term “chicks” is commonly used, as with many other bird species. Thus, a group of baby sparrows can be called “a brood of sparrow chicks.”

This term is especially apt if referring to all the chicks hatched and cared for at one time by a pair of adult sparrows.

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